exposing hidden packages with runghc

Iain Barnett iainspeed at gmail.com
Sat Jul 4 08:17:35 EDT 2009

2009/7/2 Duncan Coutts <duncan.coutts at worc.ox.ac.uk>

> Do you have any more details on that? What problem are you hitting
> exactly? A log file would help us see what's going on. I did test
> ghc-6.8 when releasing Cabal-1.6 and cabal-install-0.6.2.
> Duncan
> Which log files would be helpful? From looking at "ps ax" when it was
running it seems that the linking (ld) part of the install is the bit that
takes a long time. About 8hrs on this machine, whether I used

   1. ghc --make Setup
   2. ./Setup configure --user
   3. ./Setup build

or subsequently

   1. ./dist/build/cabal/cabal update
   2. ./dist/build/cabal/cabal install cabal-install

Just let me know what you need, and I'll be happy to try a fresh install to
recreate the problem if needed - once I've backed up this one!

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