Cabal: literate hscolour

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at
Mon Aug 24 13:30:28 EDT 2009

> -- ----------------------------------------------
> -- Sequents
> -- ----------------------------------------------
> This is rendered as
> -- -------------------------------- -- Sequents --  
> --------------------------------------- 
> I'd like the format of the comments to stay the same as in the  
> file.  The easiest way I suppose is to wrap <pre> tags around them.   
> That's all I meant.

Now I understand.  The literate file format is designed for you to use  
your own markup for the commentary.  In particular, many people use  
real HTML tags (or LaTeX commands etc) for the comments, and I have no  
wish to impede them.  One obvious solution, that would inconvenience  
no-one else, would be to add the <pre> tags yourself.

If you wish your comments to be essentially a plain-text format, but  
still to render nicely in HTML, then I suggest you look into markdown 
  and in particular its implementation in Haskell called pandoc

Pandoc does syntax highlighting for Haskell (and other languages),  
using the highlighting-kate package, rather than HsColour.


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