Cabal: literate hscolour

Sean McLaughlin seanmcl at
Mon Aug 24 11:55:20 EDT 2009

Hi Malcolm,

>  Second, I'm probably being a pain in the ass, but I'd also like to keep my
>> literate comments preformatted.  Right now they are mashed all together
> I'm not sure what you mean.  Could you send an example?  (It is possible
> that it is a DOS/Windows line-ending bug.)

When you put the literate comments directly in html, for instance

-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Sequents
-- ----------------------------------------------

Here are a lot of comments about the sequent calculus.

> data Seq = ...

This is rendered as

-- -------------------------------- -- Sequents --
--------------------------------------- Here are a lot ...

I'd like the format of the comments to stay the same as in the file.  The
easiest way
I suppose is to wrap <pre> tags around them.  That's all I meant.

Thanks for your help,

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