Thinking about what's missing in our library coverage

Don Stewart dons at
Tue Aug 4 16:08:03 EDT 2009

> Don Stewart wrote:
>>           o bytestring-trie — IntMap for ByteStrings
>>           o dlist — difference lists
> Well, if we're looking for a champion, I suggest these two should be  
> added. Both serve demonstrated needs, both are easy to support, and both  
> are reinvented over and over again. Because of that reinvention alone,  
> it'd be nice to canonize a library in order to minimize wasted efforts.
> (If anyone has complaints about bytestring-trie I'd be more than happy  
> to hear of and address them.)

Could you do comparative benchmarks for insertion and lookup into

   * Data.Map String Int
   * Data.Map ByteString Int
   * bytestring-trie

I don't have a sense for how much better bytestring-trie is.

dlist I think is obvious. It  should really be part of base (as it is
used by Show/Read in ad hoc form).

-- Don

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