Proposal: Add concatMapM function (#2042)

Aaron Denney wnoise at
Tue Jan 29 15:40:23 EST 2008

On 2008-01-29, Bulat Ziganshin <bulat.ziganshin at> wrote:
> Hello Aaron,
> Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 10:23:46 PM, you wrote:
>>> i have several hundred one-liners in my Utils.hs. with such speed of
>>> adding these funcs to the base, you will add only these funcs the next
>>> 10 years. does this mean that haskell hackers will continue to mutate
>>> the language these next 10 years? :( 
>> That's the whole point of "avoiding success" -- so we can continue to
>> make changes.
> well, you want haskell that remains hacker's tool, i want haskell used
> for development of real programs, such as darcs and ghc itself

"Researchers' tool", rather.  Hackers write programs that import entire
modules willy-nilly.  Real program can afford to import selectively or
qualified for future proofing.

A thought: perhaps Haskell prime should have local definitions shadow
imported ones, rather than conflicting.  Mandating a warning might be
worth it though.

Aaron Denney

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