Cabal Bug / Feature and Improvement

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Thu Dec 25 18:47:46 EST 2008

On Wed, 2008-12-24 at 13:19 +0000, Dominic Steinitz wrote:
> Currently if I do not want to use the default locations for cabal then the 
> following:
> >dist\build\cabal\cabal.exe --config-file=urghh --remote-repo-cache=foo 
>                             --verbose=3 update
> will create urghh but will still (silently) put the repository cache at 
> repoLocalDir = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\steinitd\\Application 
> Data\\cabal\\packages\\"

Ah so when the config file does not exist the --remote-repo-cache flag
is ignored and the default value from the newly created config file is
used instead.

> I've made a few changes which will put the cache at "foo".  I don't have access 
> to darcs at the moment so I've attached the changes. Let me know if a
> darcs patch is worth doing.

Yes please though check that it's not already fixed. I made some changes
in that code relatively recently.

There are a couple other path settings that are still hard coded and
should really be configurable. We should also have a way to operate
without any config file at all for install scripts etc.


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