Cabal Bug / Feature and Improvement
Dominic Steinitz
dominic.steinitz at
Wed Dec 24 08:19:55 EST 2008
Currently if I do not want to use the default locations for cabal then the
>dist\build\cabal\cabal.exe --config-file=urghh --remote-repo-cache=foo
--verbose=3 update
will create urghh but will still (silently) put the repository cache at
repoLocalDir = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\steinitd\\Application
I've made a few changes which will put the cache at "foo". I don't have access
to darcs at the moment so I've attached the changes. Let me know if a darcs
patch is worth doing.
In Config.hs:
loadConfig :: Verbosity -> GlobalFlags {-Flag FilePath-} -> Flag Bool -> IO
loadConfig verbosity globalFlags {-configFileFlag-} userInstallFlag =
addBaseConf $ do
configFile <- maybe defaultConfigFile return (flagToMaybe (globalConfigFile
minp <- readConfigFile mempty configFile
case minp of
Nothing -> do
notice verbosity $ "Config file " ++ configFile ++ " not found."
notice verbosity $ "Writing default configuration to " ++ configFile
commentConf <- commentSavedConfig
initialConf <- initialSavedConfig
writeConfigFile configFile commentConf (initialConf `mappend` (mempty
{savedGlobalFlags = globalFlags}))
return initialConf
The other cases of loadConfig are unchanged.
In Main.hs global replace:
loadConfig verbosity (globalConfigFile globalFlags)
loadConfig verbosity globalFlags
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