extralibs and the haskell-platform

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at worc.ox.ac.uk
Thu Dec 11 18:22:17 EST 2008

On Thu, 2008-12-11 at 14:35 +0000, Ian Lynagh wrote:
> Hi all,
> As the plan is for the extralibs to become part of the Haskell Platform,
> I think we ought to have a BTS for them. I therefore propose that we
> create a project on community.haskell.org for each of those that are
> maintained by libraries at haskell.org. For now that will only provide a
> BTS (trac), but once the GHC VCS switch has happened it would make sense
> to move the authoritative darcs repos to community too.
> The packages in question are:
>     haskell-src
>     html
>     HUnit
>     mtl
>     network
>     parallel
>     stm
> (I've left QuickCheck off as I think that it has real maintainers again)

We want all packages that are part of the platform to have a place to
report bugs. The .cabal file can now specify a bug-reports: url. This
does not need to be a full blown bug tracker, an email address will do.
The important point is that users and people coordinating the platform
release know where to direct bug reports.

For the packages that have no obvious maintainer setting up our own trac
instances for them is the obvious thing to do.

> Also, I've created a haskell-platform mailing list:
>     http://projects.haskell.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/haskell-platform
> Currently it gets mail for any changes to the haskell-platform trac, but
> I think that it makes sense to send mail for all the HP package tracs
> there too, so you don't need to subscribe to dozens of low-traffic lists
> to keep on top of what's going on. If the volume becomes too high then
> we can move the noisier packages to their own list. For now at least,
> discussion should stay on libraries at haskell.org.

Yes, policy decisions on libraries at haskell.org and the mechanics on the
separate haskell-platform mailing list.

> Any comments/objections?

That's great.

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