Performance horrors

Don Stewart dons at
Fri Aug 29 02:30:49 EDT 2008

> Don Stewart wrote:
> >ross:
> >>On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 06:32:40PM +0100, Adrian Hey wrote:
> >>>2- Data.Set is not obviously the best underlying implementation (in
> >>>fact it is obviously not the best underlying implementation, this and
> >>>Data.Map etc really should be pensioned off to hackage along with the
> >>>rest of the badly documented, unreliable, inefficient and unstable
> >>>junk :-)
> >>Do you have benchmarks to quantify how bad Data.Set and Data.Map are?
> >
> >Yes, a clear replacement for just Data.Map , with numbers, even if
> >prototyped, would be rather compelling. And not bogged down in too much
> >other code.
> >
> >Numbers please, or at least a direction to work in!
> Not sure what your asking for. I have Data.Map & Data.Set clones but
> decided not to publish them as I think folk should be migrating to
> Jamie Brandons GMap API (hopefully first release of that will be in 
> Hackage soon). Jamie is also doing some benchmarking of various
> implementations of that API (one of them being AVL trees) and Data.Map.

Ok. That's good to know. Benchmark numbers would be great to see!

-- Don

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