[Haskell-cafe] Stream fusion for Hackage

Don Stewart dons at galois.com
Mon Nov 19 15:12:43 EST 2007

> > > 1) Where does the basic unfolded sequence type, described in the
> > > stream fusion paper live?
> > 
> > Why not have a Data.Fusion.* hierarchy and put everything having to do
> > with stream fusion there?
> It seems perfectly reasonable to me that ordinary users might want to
> program directly with this data structure, whether or not it ends up
> being fuseable.
> The problem with a name like "Data.Fusion" is that it describes the
> thing that the compiler does with this data structure, rather than the
> data structure itself.
> My suggestions for names would therefore be:
>     Data.Unfold
>     Data.Step
>     Data.Pump

How about 


so you can at least see from the name you're getting stream fusion :)

-- Don

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