getting cabal to pass more info to haddock

Conal Elliott conal at
Sun Jan 7 16:10:50 EST 2007

It was indeed an old .hi file.  Thanks!  - Conal

On 1/7/07, Duncan Coutts <duncan.coutts at> wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-01-07 at 12:32 -0800, Conal Elliott wrote:
> > Thanks.  Looks simple enough, and I compiled up a version that works
> > this way.  I don't know how to get ghc to use it.  When I "./setup
> > install", I get Cabal-1.1.7 registered, but my ghc-6.6 wants to use
> > Cabal-1.1.6 instead.
> Try cleaning and rebuilding your prog, you've probably got existing .hi
> files that refer to the older package version. That or perhaps you are
> using other packages that were built against Cabal-1.1.6, eg the ghc api
> package. You can force ghc to use a specific version using "ghc -package
> Cabal-1.1.7" and see what it complains about.
> > Worse, I unregistered 1.1.6, and now I can't use cabal at all with
> > ghc.  Do you know how get 1.1.6 back short of re-installing ghc?
> You can re-register the old version, though I'm not sure where you can
> get the right package.conf file from. If you built from source you can
> grab the file from the build tree. If you installed from a distro
> package then re-installing that should be easy.
> > BTW, I noticed in the function "haddock" in Distribution.Simple , the
> > line "++ programArgs confHaddock", which leads me to suspect that
> > there's an approach getting extra Haddock arguments passed by tweaking
> > my Setup.lhs.  Is that so?
> Ask on the cabal-devel list, I'm not sure without delving into the code.
> Duncan
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