Announce: HGAL 1.2

Jean-Philippe Bernardy jeanphilippe.bernardy at
Sun May 21 09:36:29 EDT 2006

Hello folks,

This is an announcement for HGAL 1.2.

HGAL (Haskell Graph Automorphism Library) is a haskell implementation
of Brendan McKay's algorithm for graph canonic labeling and
automorphism group. (aka Nauty)

Here are the main improvements over the previous release:
  * The algorithm is now more completely implemented and therefore a lot faster;
  * The library is now a cabal package.

I'm also proud to proclaim that zero bug has been reported in the 3
years of existence of the library. (That either being due to a high
quality of the library or a  low number of users -- I'm not sure :)


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