
Dominic Steinitz dominic.steinitz at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Mar 18 05:48:40 EST 2006


I finally got around to putting a "hexdump" function into a module. Any 
suggestions as to where it should live in the hierarchy?


module Hex(
   ) where

import Data.List
import Codec.Utils
import Numeric
import Text.PrettyPrint

split :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
split n xs = unfoldr (g n) xs

g :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe ([a],[a])
g n [] = Nothing
g n y  = Just (splitAt n y)

sh x | x < 16    = '0':(showHex x "")
     | otherwise = showHex x ""

type OctetsPerLine = Int

ppHex :: OctetsPerLine -> [Octet] -> Doc
ppHex n =
   vcat .
   map hcat .
   map (intersperse colon) .
   map (map (text . sh)) .
   split n

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