Further Edison comments

David Menendez zednenem at psualum.com
Tue Mar 7 22:34:08 EST 2006

Some additional thoughts and speculations about Edison:

(1) The documentation for FiniteMapX warns that the *With functions are

> The passed in combining functions are used to choose which element is
> kept in the case of duplicates. They are required to satisfy the
> precondition that, given two equal elements, they return a third
> element equal to the other two.

That doesn't make sense to me. Unlike the corresponding functions from
SetX, duplication of keys leads to combining elements. It's perfectly
reasonable to do things like |Assoc.unionWith (+)| or |Assoc.insertWith

(2) I wonder if it would make more sense for Assoc.adjustOrInsert to
take a function and a default value, i.e.,

    adjustWithDefault ::
         FiniteMapX k m => a -> (a -> a) -> k -> m a -> m a

(a, a -> a) is isomorphic to (Maybe a -> a), but avoids creating a
temporary (Maybe a) value.

(3) I have a sketch of a finite-map-to-finite-relation adaptor,

    newtype Rel m a = Rel (m [a])
    instance (FiniteMapX m k) => AssocX (Rel m) k

Implementing functions like |delete| would be easier if |FiniteMapX|
included |update|, a.k.a. |adjustOrDelete|.

    update :: FiniteMapX k m => (a -> Maybe a) -> k -> m a -> m a

WIth it, I could define |delete| more efficiently:

    delete k (Rel m) = Rel $ A.update f k m
        f [a]    = Nothing
        f (a:as) = Just as

(4) Sequence and AssocX replicate several functions from their
superclasses. It's a small thing, but it bothers me have to define
|fmap| and |map| (especially since the documentation only says that
they're "ordinarily" the same).

I suggest leaving these functions in the Edison interface, but removing
them from the classes.

That is, Data.Edison.Seq would define |empty|, |singleton|, |append|,
|map|, and |concatMap| as aliases:

    empty :: Sequence s => s a
    empty = mzero
    singleton :: Sequence s => a -> s a
    singleton = return

And each implementation would define the usual specialized functions:

    empty :: Seq a
    empty = ...
    append :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a
    append = ...
    instance MonadPlus Seq where { mzero = empty; mplus = append }

This preserves Edison's interface while eliminating the duplication (and
possible conflicts) in the class dictionaries. The difference would only
be noticeable in the instance declarations.

(5) Many of the unsafe functions have preconditions which can be checked
using |assert|. In my SkewBinary heap, for example, I have

    unsafeInsertMin k a h = assert (null h || k <= root h) $ T k a h E

That sort of thing might be useful during development.

(6) I've implemented a SkewBinary heap as an associated collection and
collection instances for Data.IntSet. If you're interested, I can send
you a copy or submit a patch.
David Menendez <zednenem at psualum.com> <http://www.eyrie.org/~zednenem/>

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