[Haskell] Read Instances for Data.Map and Data.Set

Christian Maeder maeder at tzi.de
Thu Oct 20 04:18:23 EDT 2005

Georg Martius wrote:
> Anyway since there was no response to S. Alexander Jacobson post [1], I 
> decided to write these instances at least for GHC in the style of the other 
> instances in GHC.Read.

Who feels responsible for including something into Data.Set and Data.Map 
(recently I've proposed a change for Set.intersection and others also 
made suggestions)?

The Read instances should be in "their" modules (to avoid "orphans"). 
But Set and Map should also remain "portable"!

> import GHC.Read

This module isn't even listed under

Cheers Christian

Simon, clicking on any module does not work, currently

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