[darcs-devel] [darcs #279] [wish] Use readline for line-editing

Simon Marlow simonmar at microsoft.com
Mon Mar 21 07:08:01 EST 2005

To enable signals to be caught by Haskell code during a call to
readline, you need to be using the threaded RTS (-threaded).   This is
because the call to readline will block the entire RTS in the
non-threaded version.

However, there's a rather large caveat: signal handling in the threaded
RTS isn't really up to scratch, so results might be a bit unreliable.
It's on my queue to fix this at some point.

I do remember testing this with GHCi once.  If you compile GHCi with
-threaded then you can ^C at the prompt and it works (or did at one
stage, anyway).


On 19 March 2005 12:54, David Roundy wrote:

> I'm CCing the libraries list on this, since it looks like it may be a
> bug in signal handling with the readline module.  Or at least a highly
> unexpected interaction of sorts.
> Are we just out of luck, and should we just not use readline? Or is
> there some way to interupt execution, and exit cleanly (such that the
> cleanup portion of brackets is performed) in response to a sigINT
> while readline is running?
> I took a quick look at this, and also couldn't figure out what's going
> wrong.  I know that signal handlers run in a separate haskell thread,
> so it may be that perhaps the signal handler is just waiting until
> the ffi function returns before running.  :( I'm feeling pessimistic
> at the moment, and thinking that perhaps we simply can't use readline
> in darcs, since it's hard to imagine that a thrown asynchronous
> exception will be able to interrupt a FFI call...
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2005 at 03:15:53PM -0500, Martin Bays via RT wrote:
>> * Thursday, 2005-03-17 at 07:39 -0500 - David Roundy via RT
>> <bugs at darcs.net>: 
>>> A quick look suggests that maybe you can use setCatchSignals? Alas,
>>> the readline module seems almost 100% undocumented... :(
>> I did try that, to no avail. Which is to be expected, as signals are
>> meant to be set to be caught by default.
>> There is indeed no documentation, but afaict the bits we're dealing
>> with 
>> are just straight wrappers round the library calls. In particular
>> readline :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
>> readline prompt = do
>>     ptr <- withCString prompt readlineC
>>     flip maybePeek ptr $ \ptr' -> do
>>         line <- peekCString ptr'
>>         free ptr'
>>         return line
>> foreign import ccall "readline" readlineC :: Ptr CChar -> IO (Ptr
>> CChar) 
>>> It may be that the problem is that readline blocks asynchronous
>>> exceptions, and if that's the case, I'm not sure what we can do,
>>> since darcs responds to sigINT by throwing an asynchronous
>>> exception, so that we can use block in sensitive code to make sure
>>> hitting ctrl-C doesn't corrupt anything.
>> I don't think that's the problem - it appears that the exceptions
>> aren't being thrown until too late. What confuses me is just how
>> late that 
>> is. AFAICT, the signals aren't being handled (in the sense of
>> causing a throwDynTo) until some point well after the readline has
>> finished. In particular, with the following cheap debugging
>> redefinition in SignalHandler.lhs: 
>> ih :: ThreadId -> Signal -> IO ()
>> ih thid s =
>>   do installHandler s (Catch $
>>                        (\sig -> (print $ "throwing") >>
>>                         throwDynTo thid sig) $
>>                        SignalException s) Nothing
>>      return ()
>> we get the following behaviour:
>> What is the version name? ^C
>> What is the version name? ao^C^Ceu
>> "throwing"
>> "throwing"
>> "throwing"
>> Interrupted!
>> A signal is thrown for each SIGINT, but not until some point I
>> haven't 
>> been able to determine. I do not understand this, so can't see how
>> to fix it! 
>> I'm not sure exactly how this fits into the picture, but
>> interestingly 
>> there are issues even with something as simple as
>> import System.Console.Readline ( readline )
>> import Maybe ( fromMaybe )
>> main = do s <- readline "test"
>>           print $ fromMaybe "noda" s
>> Here two INTs are required to actually exit... why, I can't figure
>> out. 
>> I fear I don't know what's going on with any of this, nor how to fix
>> it. Hopefully the above will be of some use to someone who does.

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