Cabal help please

Ross Paterson ross at
Thu Jun 16 10:55:33 EDT 2005

On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 03:36:06PM +0100, Adrian Hey wrote:
> I'm just getting around to tidying up the AVL library and releasing
> a new version and, of course thinking about Cabalising it too. But
> I'm finding difficult to figure out how to do this from the
> Cabal docs and Distribution library haddock. 
> Anyway, what I want to do is..
>  Run cpphs on all the sources
>  Compile the results using -split-objs (for ghc at least).
>  Put the all the resulting objs in libHSDataTreeAVL.a
>  Run haddock on some of the sources (but not all).
> .. and I'd like to do this without depending on gnu make.

Don't worry about the library docs; this is similar to Example 1 in
the Cabal User's Guide.  Haddock isn't passed all the -i options you'd
want, though.

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