wash compile problem

Frederik Eaton frederik at a5.repetae.net
Mon Jul 4 12:05:30 EDT 2005

By the way, specifying --enable-package-conf= on the ./configure
command line gives me the following error. I'd fixed it earlier and
forgotten to report the bug:

ranlib /home/frederik/arch/ppc/lib/Utility-0.3.11/ghc-6.4/libUtility.a
.././GenPKG/GenPKG Utility --ghc-version 6.4 --version 0.3.11 --license BSD3 --author 'Peter Thiemann' --exposed-modules Auxiliary Base32 Base64 BulkIO FileNames Hex ISO8601 IntToString JavaScript Locking QuotedPrintable RFC2047 RFC2279 RFC2397 SHA1 SimpleParser Shell URLCoding Unique --hidden-modules  --import_dirs /home/frederik/arch/ppc/lib/Utility-0.3.11/ghc-6.4/import --library_dirs /home/frederik/arch/ppc/lib/Utility-0.3.11/ghc-6.4 --hs_libraries Utility --package_deps haskell98 text | /usr/bin/ghc-pkg update - -package-conf ~/.ghc/powerpc-linux-6.4/package.conf --auto-ghci-libs
ghc-pkg: unrecognized option `-p'
unrecognized option `-a'
unrecognized option `-c'
unrecognized option `-k'
unrecognized option `-a'
unrecognized option `-e'
unrecognized option `--conf'
  ghc-pkg register {filename | -}

I think you may have to apply the following patch, it seems to fix

--- WashNGo-2.4.6/configure.in  2005-06-23 05:36:34.000000000 -0700
+++ WashNGo-2.4.6-modified/configure.in 1903-12-31 16:13:22.000000000 -0800
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 dnl Checks for package management
 if test ! "$HC_VERSION" '<' "6.4"; then
-  GHCPKG_OPT__CONFIG_FILE="-package-conf"
+  GHCPKG_OPT__CONFIG_FILE="--package-conf"
   GHCPKG_OPT__UPDATE="update -"
 dnl  HCEXTRAFLAGS="-package lang"



On Mon, Jul 04, 2005 at 03:00:49AM -0700, Frederik Eaton wrote:
> Actually I think there was an earlier error, it was refusing to write
> to package.conf for some reason. Maybe it should give up when this
> happens, so the relevant error message doesn't get buried?
> Also, how does one install WASH without root access? I tried to
> specify the user package.conf, but if this doesn't exist then it looks
> like the WASH installer won't create it, and also its pathname is not
> obvious so it seems unfriendly to require users to specify the literal
> path...
> Frederik
> On Sat, Jul 02, 2005 at 05:02:59PM +0200, Peter Thiemann wrote:
> > >>>>> "fe" == Frederik Eaton <frederik at a5.repetae.net> writes:
> > 
> >     fe> When I try to install the new version of WASH (2.4.6), I get errors
> >     fe> saying that certain dependencies don't exist:
> > 
> >     fe> ...
> >     fe> Reading package info from stdin... done.
> >     fe> ghc-pkg: dependency Utility doesn't exist
> > 
> > Strange. The Utility package is also provided by WASH.
> > Was there an error message in the Utility subdirectory?
> > What is the output of `ghc-pkg list' afterwards?
> > Did you run `make install' with sufficient karma to change the package
> > registry? Eg, as root?
> > 
> > -Peter
> > 

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