wash compile problem

Frederik Eaton frederik at a5.repetae.net
Mon Jul 4 06:00:49 EDT 2005

Actually I think there was an earlier error, it was refusing to write
to package.conf for some reason. Maybe it should give up when this
happens, so the relevant error message doesn't get buried?

Also, how does one install WASH without root access? I tried to
specify the user package.conf, but if this doesn't exist then it looks
like the WASH installer won't create it, and also its pathname is not
obvious so it seems unfriendly to require users to specify the literal


On Sat, Jul 02, 2005 at 05:02:59PM +0200, Peter Thiemann wrote:
> >>>>> "fe" == Frederik Eaton <frederik at a5.repetae.net> writes:
>     fe> When I try to install the new version of WASH (2.4.6), I get errors
>     fe> saying that certain dependencies don't exist:
>     fe> ...
>     fe> Reading package info from stdin... done.
>     fe> ghc-pkg: dependency Utility doesn't exist
> Strange. The Utility package is also provided by WASH.
> Was there an error message in the Utility subdirectory?
> What is the output of `ghc-pkg list' afterwards?
> Did you run `make install' with sufficient karma to change the package
> registry? Eg, as root?
> -Peter

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