ANN: Cabal 0.5 (GHC 6.4 release candidate)

Jens Petersen petersen at
Mon Feb 21 01:05:06 EST 2005

Isaac Jones wrote:
> This is a release-candidate for 0.6, which will be in GHC 6.4.

Thanks for the rc release. :)

It would be nice if cabal allowed more choice or configuration
of install directories IMHO: in particular libdir comes to
mind.  Also it would be nice if the default was multilib aware
(eg for Fedora on x86_64 libdir is "/usr/lib64").

Personally I would like to see ghc libraries at least installed
under ghc's libdir since their ABI depends on the version of ghc
they are built with, ie typically under $libdir/ghc-$ghc_version/
rather than $libdir.


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