Time Libraries Rough Draft

Ashley Yakeley ashley at semantic.org
Fri Feb 11 03:26:48 EST 2005

In article < at>,
 Graham Klyne <GK at ninebynine.org> wrote:

> Hmmm... I would be inclined to separate basic calendrical calulations from 
> timezones (as opposed to timezone offsets).  Prior to RFC3339, work in this 
> area was bogged down in the comlexities of timezones... it was by 
> separating them that we were able to come to consensus on the basics 
> required for timestamping.

The most obvious functions in Calendar are going to be these:

  utcToCalendar :: TimeZone -> UTCTime -> CalendarTime
  calendarToUTC :: TimeZone -> CalendarTime -> UTCTime

But by TimeZone I mean a fixed offset to UTC, so perhaps TimeOffset is a 
better name.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

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