Time Libraries Rough Draft

Bayley, Alistair Alistair_Bayley at ldn.invesco.com
Fri Feb 11 05:22:32 EST 2005

> From: Seth Kurtzberg [mailto:seth at cql.com] 
> The problem is that it has been stated several times on this 
> thread that there will be no leap second table, nor a way to 
> use one.

That's not my understanding (but then I do fid it hard to follow
_everything_). Ashley's proposed API has the following:

module System.Time.LeapSeconds ( ... ) where
  utcDayLength :: LeapSecondTable -> JulianDay -> DiffTime
  utcToTAITime :: LeapSecondTable -> UTCTime -> TAITime
  taiToUTCTime :: LeapSecondTable -> TAITime -> UTCTime

Of course, where the LeapSecondTable comes from is another problem...


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