System.Time.Clock Design Issues

Seth Kurtzberg seth at
Thu Feb 3 20:45:21 EST 2005

Ashley Yakeley wrote:

>In article <4202C3F5.8060902 at>, Seth Kurtzberg <seth at> 
>>I noticed that on an NIST web site, you can obtain not only the leap 
>>seconds to date, but also the scheduled leap seconds for several years 
>>into the future.
>Do you have a link for that? Leap seconds are only announced with six 
>months' notice.
I'll dig it up.  On Iridium we programmed in the leap seconds for the 
useful life of the vehicle, which is about five years.  It is guaranteed 
to be accurate, but in the case that we used it there was an extra leap 
second just before we  launched, and none after that.  Partly luck, of 

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