new Library Infrastructure spec.
Simon Marlow
simonmar at
Mon Jun 14 07:43:24 EDT 2004
On 09 June 2004 20:29, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
> The proposal should simply define the file format
> that Angela and Peter use to deliver Haskell
> packages to Wally. A Haskell package is
> some combiation of:
> * Haskell source
> * binary libs for the target platform,
> * documentation,
> * data,
> * and meta-data
I don't think you're suggesting anything that isn't already covered by
the proposal. Others have already responded to that effect, but I'll
reiterate: there are several kinds of binary package which the end user
can install. These include:
1. Platform-native packages: RPM, Debian, Windows MSI, etc.
2. Generic binary distribution, generated by './Setup.lhs bdist'
I believe what you're asking for is (2). These binary distributions can
be installed by anyone with a Haskell compiler on their system, by
unpacking the distribution and invoking './Setup install'.
However, I don't consider (2) to be a priority. Funcionality-wise,
binary distributions are less desirable than platform-native packages,
because they don't deal with installing dependencies and they don't let
you uninstall the package later. When installing software, it is good
practice to co-operate with the system's native packaging system.
(2) is useful on systems that don't have a native packaging system, e.g.
Solaris. However, on those systems, Joe User can usually just become
Bob and install packages from source (it's not hard; just do
'./Setup.lhs configure; ./Setup.lhs build; ./Setup.lhs install').
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