Prelude function suggestions

Simon Marlow simonmar at
Thu Jul 29 05:48:08 EDT 2004

How about:

-- | Splits a list into components delimited by separators, where the
-- predicate returns True for a separator element.  The resulting
-- components do not contain the separators.  Two adjacent separators
-- result in an empty component in the output.  eg.
-- @
--   > split (=='a') "aabbaca"
--   ["","","bb","c",""]
-- @
split :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
split p s = case rest of
		[]     -> [chunk] 
		_:rest -> chunk : split p rest
  where (chunk, rest) = break p s

-- | Like 'split', except that sequences of adjacent separators are
-- treated as a single separator. eg.
-- @
--   > tokens (=='a') "aabbaca"
--   ["bb","c"]
-- @
tokens :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
tokens p = filter (not.null) . split p

'split' is the same as Python's split.  There is already a precedent for
using short names in the Data.List module so I think 'split' is the
right choice, and 'tokens' is fairly descriptive.

Then we have 
  words = tokens isSpace

which is quite nice.  Unfortunately 

  lines /= split (=='\n')

because lines strips off blank lines at the end.  So perhaps we do need
the third version.


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