hirarchical modules

Iavor Diatchki diatchki@cse.ogi.edu
Thu, 29 May 2003 11:57:00 -0700


Malcolm Wallace wrote:
> The "powers that be" are the compiler maintainers.  If you can't
> persuade them (all) to adopt your proposal, then de facto it won't fly.
> But by-and-large, we are reasonable people.  :-)  You just need to
> be sufficiently persuasive.
hmm... what should i do?  implement 50 libraries using the broken system 
just to illustrate that it is broken?

>>suggestions on how to rewrite the imports/exports above more concisely 
>>are welcome.
> The exports at least can be made shorter as follows.
>      module Control.Monad.Experimental.State
>        (State,
>        ,runState
>        ,runStateS
>        ,module T) where
>      import           Control.Monad.Experimental.Identity
>      import qualified Control.Monad.Experimental.StateT as S
>      import qualified Control.Monad.Experimental.Trans as T
>      type State s  = S.StateT s Identity
>      runState      :: s -> State s a -> a
>      runState s m  = runIdentity (S.runState s m)
>      runStateS     :: s -> State s a -> (a,s)
>      runStateS s m = runIdentity (S.runStateS s m)

yes, i was also thinking of that, and it works for this particular case.
i didn't like it becasue it means that i have to use qualified names 
everywhere in the module.  and i have to do that not to avoid clashes, 
but so that i can write a shorter entry in the exoprt list. and don't 
you think the code bellow is better?  not to mention that moving the 
library to a new localtion would be practically for free (as far as the 
library is concerned, the users may still have to adjust their imports)

 >      module State (State,runState,runStateS,module Trans) where
 >      import Identity
 >      import StateT
 >      import Trans
 >      type State s  = StateT s Identity
 >      runState      :: s -> State s a -> a
 >      runState s m  = runIdentity (StateT.runState s m)
 >      runStateS     :: s -> State s a -> (a,s)
 >      runStateS s m = runIdentity (StateT.runStateS s m)
