hirarchical modules
Malcolm Wallace
Thu, 29 May 2003 18:59:52 +0100
Iavor Diatchki <diatchki@cse.ogi.edu> writes:
> i am aware that there have been previous discussions on the subject,
> but they seem to have had no results (who are the powers that be? :-).
The "powers that be" are the compiler maintainers. If you can't
persuade them (all) to adopt your proposal, then de facto it won't fly.
But by-and-large, we are reasonable people. :-) You just need to
be sufficiently persuasive.
> suggestions on how to rewrite the imports/exports above more concisely
> are welcome.
The exports at least can be made shorter as follows.
module Control.Monad.Experimental.State
,module T) where
import Control.Monad.Experimental.Identity
import qualified Control.Monad.Experimental.StateT as S
import qualified Control.Monad.Experimental.Trans as T
type State s = S.StateT s Identity
runState :: s -> State s a -> a
runState s m = runIdentity (S.runState s m)
runStateS :: s -> State s a -> (a,s)
runStateS s m = runIdentity (S.runStateS s m)