Foreign.GreenCard.StdDIS (was Re: X11 libraries)

Alastair Reid
Thu, 15 May 2003 17:20:41 +0100

> As another point of reference, the version of GreenCard that
> is distributed with nhc98 has never used the name StdDIS.
> It originally used 'import GreenCard', which has recently become
> 'import NHC.GreenCard' with the advent of the hierarchical libs.

This is a bit of a side-issue but...  I thought the current CVS copy of 
GreenCard would work for NHC using the ffi target.  Is there a fundamental 
problem or is it the lack of the extensions provided in the nhc version?

> For this reason, I would support the following suggestion:
>   Foreign.GreenCard.hs

Ok, I'll go with that.

[Your mail comes just as I was contemplating a giant commit which, I think, 
finishes off the task of updating GreenCard.]
