X11 libraries
Sven Panne
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 12:13:55 +0200
Alastair Reid wrote:
> [...] To me, the word 'Rendering' suggests that it can (only) do
> output (drawing graphics) but HGL also does input (reading keyboard
> and mouse events). So I think Graphics.HGL is more accurate.
> But the same argument surely applies to OpenGL too (???) so maybe
> I'm reading too much into 'Rendering'?
No, OpenGL is solely concerned about producing pixels, and GLUT only
handles the non-rendering stuff, so the distinction makes perfect
sense here. X11 is a different beast, so your hierarchy looks fine to
Something completely different, but still X11-related: With the
current state of the FFI, I can't see an advantage in using GreenCard
for the X11 binding. All X11 constants are hardwired through the
protocol, and the FFI + its related libraries handle newtypes,
(un-)marshaling, error handling, etc. at least as nicely as GreenCard.
But on the other hand we already have the GC stuff for X11, but this
looks like the only advantage...