[jhc] jhc and sdl

Csaba Hruska csaba.hruska at gmail.com
Sat Aug 7 13:37:06 EDT 2010


I've a problem with jhc 0.7.6.
I've compiled and installed (jhc modded) sdl succesfully but for even this
simple example code fails to compile:

*import Graphics.UI.SDL.Version -- Graphics.UI.SDL is not exported*
*main = return ()*

here is the output:

*bash-3.2$ jhc test.hs *
*jhc test.hs*
*jhc 0.7.6 (0.7.6-3)*
*Finding Dependencies...*
*Using Ho Cache: '/Users/hruskacsaba/.jhc/cache'*
*Main                    [test.hs]*
*Error: Module not found: Graphics.UI.SDL.Version*

jhc knows about sdl:

*bash-3.2$ jhc --list-libraries*
*- SDL-0.6.2*
*- xhtml-3000.2.0.1*
*- HUnit-*
*- parsec-*
*- applicative-1.0*
*- QuickCheck-*
*- Diff-0.1.2*
*- haskell98-1.0*
*- base-1.0*
*- smallcheck-0.4*
*- containers-*
*- pretty-*
*- utility-ht-*
*- html-*
*- jhc-1.0*
*- flat-foreign-1.0*
*- safe-0.2*


the hl file is placed in ~/lib/jhc*

bash-3.2$ ls -l ~/lib/jhc
total 424
-rw-r--r--  1 hruskacsaba  staff  216003 Aug  7 18:14 SDL-0.6.2.hl

So, do you have any idea what's the problem?

Csaba Hruska

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