[Haskell-iPhone] Persistent - SQLite
Stephen Blackheath [to GHC-iPhone]
likeliest.complexions.stephen at blacksapphire.com
Thu Jan 3 01:40:10 CET 2013
Some work has been done on ghci on a native compile for ARM, i.e. an ARM
system running Linux, and the latest I've heard is that it mostly works
(though I understand there might be some things broken with it).
However, it may be a while before TH works properly with the cross
compiler, because it requires everything that TH could use to be
compiled once both to a local system and a remote system. Nobody has
done this work.
On 02/01/13 09:19, Casey Basichis wrote:
> Hi,
> Is anyone here using Persistent or another SQLite solution?
> I know Persistent was rewritten some time ago to work without template
> Haskell, but all the demonstrations I've seen are still using the
> template aspects.
> Has anyone attempted getting the full compiler, with GHCI running?
> Thanks,
> Casey
> --
> Casey James Basichis
> Composer - Cartoon Network
> http://www.caseyjamesbasichis.com
> caseybasichis at gmail.com <mailto:caseybasichis at gmail.com>
> 310.387.7540
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