[Hugs-users] hugs version numbering convention

Jens Petersen petersen at haskell.org
Wed Jan 28 15:53:33 EST 2004

>>>>> "Jens" == Jens Petersen <petersen at haskell.org> wrote on 5th Jan:

    Jens> I would like to make the suggestion that future
    Jens> releases of Hugs are made with a version naming
    Jens> convention that is more sort friendly.  The
    Jens> current "MonYear" versioning scheme is problematic
    Jens> for packagers.

    Jens> ie the current release would be better called say
    Jens> "200311" (using Debian's hugs98 package versioning
    Jens> scheme) than "Nov2003", since this sorts much more
    Jens> easily.

Does this sound reasonable?  Any comments from the


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