It is not a bug, but...

. ." <
Tue, 14 May 2002 20:47:28 +0400

Trying to build Hugs98 December 2001 version, I've discovered that
nmake does not build "install" target (maybe there's no "install" in
winhugs makefile?)  and it does not build .hlp file. It does not
create shortcut to "hugs.exe" on desktop (maybe it should not, but
docs claim that it builds help file, creates shortcut, etc.)

However, WinHugs executable builds OK,and runs fine.
Therefore, I have a few unanswered questions:

can I download hugs.hlp from somewhere?
If the above features were not caused by my faults, but by some
deficiency in makefiles, may I send you a few lines to add to
winhugs/makefile ?