Graphics with XDarwin on Mac OS X

Johan Nordlander
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 09:19:45 +0200

On Wednesday, June 12, 2002, at 11:32 , Alastair Reid wrote:
>> Does anybody know how to install the hugs graphics library with Mac
>> OS X using XDarwin?  I tried a couple of things that didn't work and
>> figured that somebody has probably sorted this out.
> Warren arranged access to his machine for me and we got it sorted out.
> Anyone else wanting to use HGL with Hugs on Darwin should:
> Fetch Hugs from the CVS repository and build/install in the normal way.
> (Small changes made in the dynamic loading code.)
> Fetch HGL from the webpage (
> Add this line to graphics-2.0.4/lib/x11/Makefile:
>      LDFLAGS_MKSO.MacOSX   = -bundle -lc
> Build using the command:
>      make system=MacOSX CC=cc LD=cc
> Enjoy!
> --
> Alastair Reid      Reid Consulting (UK) Ltd

Hi guys,

Sorry about my silence lately, but I'm currently involved in an 
urgent digging up the drainage system around the basement of my 
house :-(

I'll check out the recent commits as soon as I'm able.

-- Johan