hugs on powerpc with linux

Alastair Reid
11 Jun 2002 19:25:20 +0100

[copied to Hugs-bugs]

Stefan observes (in a recent cvs snapshot):
> Reading file "/usr/local/hgl/lib/x11/Xlib.hs":
> Type checking      
> ERROR "/usr/local/hgl/lib/x11/Xlib.hs":112 - Type error in application
> *** Expression     : int32ToInt gc_arg2
> *** Term           : gc_arg2
> *** Type           : Int32
> *** Does not match : Int32

As I guessed (in private mail), this was my screwup.

The confusing error message is because the types involved are really
Prelude.Int32 and Int.Int32

The CVS repository is fixed again.  Update and hopefully things will work.

Alastair Reid