possible bug?

Josef Svenningsson josefs@cs.chalmers.se
Fri, 2 Mar 2001 10:39:33 +0100 (MET)

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Jonathon Bell wrote:

> i'm tinkering with the Feb 2001 release of hugs, and came across the
> following problem while attempting to create my own prelude:
>  module MyPrelude where
>     import Prelude((:))
>     hd(x:xs) = x
>     ...
> The compiler complains of a syntax error occuring in the import declaration:
> (unexpected symbol ":").

Here's a similar one:

module Foo where

import List (\\)

apa bepa cepa = bepa \\ cepa

This module gives:
ERROR bug.hs:3 - Syntax error in import declaration (unexpected symbol

Both examples are correct haskell programs according to the report.
