possible bug?

Jonathon Bell jbell@mathsoft.com
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 14:42:44 -0500

i'm tinkering with the Feb 2001 release of hugs, and came across the
following problem while attempting to create my own prelude:

 module MyPrelude where

    import Prelude((:))

    hd(x:xs) = x

The compiler complains of a syntax error occuring in the import declaration:
(unexpected symbol ":"). I may well be mistaken since i am somewhat new to
haskell programming, but it seems to me that i ought to be able to
explicitly import the list type constructor just like any other identifier.
Thanks for a doing a great job supporting hugs, and keep up the good work...

Jonathon Bell jbell@mathsoft.com
MathSoft, Inc.  www.mathsoft.com
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(617) 577-1017 x745