[HOpenGL] glGetBufferParameteriv

David Duke djd at comp.leeds.ac.uk
Sat May 23 17:24:26 EDT 2009

Does HOpenGL have a binding for glGetBufferParameteriv, or at 
least an interface that provides the same functionality, in particular 
querying the size of a vertex buffer object?   I haven't been able to 
locate something suitable through the index, but may be missing a 

[By way of explanation, I'm currently running into a segmentation fault 
with a program that attempts to use a "large" vertex buffer object, 
~500MB.  Its likely the bufferData request exceeds resources, but I'm 
trying to confirm this, and the usual method seems to be calling 
glGetBufferParameteriv with GL_BUFFER_SIZE as an arg.   If there is 
another way of checking vertex buffer allocation, that would also be 
useful to know ...].


Dr. David Duke                      E: djd at comp.leeds.ac.uk
School of Computing                 W: www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/djd/
University of Leeds                 T: +44 113 3436800
Leeds, LS2 9JT, U.K.

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