[HOpenGL] Blend equations

Gunnar Kedenburg gunnar at haquebright.de
Wed Apr 26 05:59:10 EDT 2006

Sven Panne wrote:

> What platform are you using? Does the BlendEqn example from 
>    http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/GLUT/examples/RedBook/BlendEqn.hs
> work? Is blending enabled at all? (blend $= Enabled) A short example program 
> demonstrating the problem might help, too.

I only wrote such an example in C, which worked. Had I done this in
Haskell too I would have noticed that blending was indeed disabled.
Sorry for the false alarm. The BlendEqn example works.

> The "Yellow Book" is already on my desk... :-) I definitely intend to support 
> GLSL in the OpenGL package, but if soon means "in the next few weeks", then 
> the answer is "no". The GLSL API is not that small, so the implementation 
> will very probably be done in a few iterations.

That's great.


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