[HOpenGL] Plans for more extensions?

Sebastian Sylvan sebastian.sylvan at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 08:56:05 EDT 2005

On 6/11/05, Sven Panne <Sven.Panne at aedion.de> wrote:
> Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> > Are there plans to support more extensions anytime soon?
> Yes, definitely.
> > Specifically those that deal with fragment and vertex programs
> > (ARB_vertex_program, ARB_fragment_program) as well as rendering to
> > off-screen rendertargets and such (EXT_framebuffer_object).
> My main development platform is x86 Linux and today is the first day
> that glxinfo shows that the latest & greatest NVIDIA drivers claim
> that they are OpenGL 2.0 compliant. Hooray! :-) I am very interested
> in the extensions you've mentioned, but before implementing anything
> I wanted to have a more or less stable and conformant driver, which
> seems to be the case now.
> The first two extensions are rather large ones, so I could need some
> help here: The most difficult part is how to map these extensions into
> something "Haskellish" without losing flexibility and/or too much
> performance. Some API proposals would be highly appreciated.

Just a quick reply before I have to go.
How about just starting out with a simiple 1:1 mapping (as close as
possible to the C-API) so you can work with a while in Haskell and see
what is needed.

Then you could do cool things like incorporate Conal Elliots Vertigo
for writing shaders in Haskell (edsl). Shouldn't be too diffictult to
get some basic version up and running. The problem is more like on the
fly generating asm-code for various shader versions etc.

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862

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