[HOpenGL] Re: OpenGL/GLUT examples crashing: known problem?

Arjen van Weelden A.vanWeelden at cs.ru.nl
Tue Apr 12 07:20:00 EDT 2005

Claus Reinke wrote:

> I'm probably the wrong person to answer most of your questions, but
>>Any ideas on where I might go next?  I'd like to get to the bottom of
>>this crashing problem.
>>How can I narrow down where the problem lies?  How can I determine why
>>an equivalent C program works, but the Haskell program crashes?  Is
>>there a way to trace just exactly what the Haskell program is doing?
> there are some opengl debuggers and tracers around - I'm googling for a
> free windows one, mac users seem to have such support provided by apple, 
> other platforms have their own. I don't have any experience with these, but
> if they only show the opengl calls, it may be possible to compare the c and
> haskell runs, especially where the hopengl version tries to mimick the opengl
> version closely instead of introducing higher-level abstractions.
> I'd be interested in recommendations, if anyone has experience with such
> tools.

Even though I'm not experienced with it, GLinterceptor looks good and 
works on Windows.



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