[HOpenGL] Confused about normals

Sven Panne Sven.Panne at informatik.uni-muenchen.de
Tue Oct 14 17:51:41 EDT 2003

Patrick Scheibe wrote:
> [...] But now I am a little bit confused. I'm sure to heard about that if
> you specify the vertexes of a polygon (with glBegin GL_POLYGON in c)
> counterclockwise then the normalvector is set automatically. [...]

I think you refer to the fact that OpenGL has a notion of "front" and "back"
for polygons. You can control which order (clockwise or counter-clockwise)
should be considerered "front" via frontFace.

Another tip regarding normals and lighting: Most of the time it's a good
idea to have normals of unit length. If your application can't assure this,
normalize and rescaleNormal can help.


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