[HOpenGL] Starting it all over again: It works!!!

Manuel Garcia Rodriguez manueluniversidad@yahoo.es
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 20:57:08 +0100 (CET)


Thanks God! After three weeks I was able to compile
and run HOpenGL.
There are a lot of mails in my digest about this
topic, I'll try to reply all simultaneously :).
I can't assure this steps are the only ones because my
installation has a week of incremental changes. This
is intended to work with Cygwin + GHC 5.04.2 +
GreenCard 2.04 on WinXP SP1. I have a full install of
cygwin, but I suppose this is not necessary.
To get it working I follow this steps (after a million
- install cygwin, ghc...
- Unzip the GL headers, missing in GHC:
in GHC dir
- Follow the steps in
I've installed precompiled files only (.a). Finally I
ran the test and GLUT works (!!!). Maybe it works all
this time, I don't know.
- ./configure && make depend
- Open 'config.mk' generated by ./configure, and
add/replace X11/gl lib list [-lGLU, -lGL...] with
win32 ones: [-lglut, -lglut32, -lglu32, -lopengl32...]
- comment the CFLAGS=-L/usr/x11r6/lib. It seems that
cygwin gcc doesn't like... If you get headers missing,
copy them to some default dir (maybe /usr/include)
- make all
- make install
when everything worked I was disturbed more than the
first time that failed

After this nightmare, I have drawn some conclusions:
- OpenGL libraries that works (for me) are WIN32 dlls
(HW accel???). All the time I thinked I was working
with X11/GL.
- Install scripts doesn't work under cygwin (for me),
I think these are fixed to X11/GL, that doen't work
(by default) on cygwin.

Thanks everybody for help. You'll get more news next
week (Simon).


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