[HOpenGL] Re: Starting it all over again
Manuel Garcia Rodriguez
Wed, 8 Jan 2003 19:27:39 +0100 (CET)
> From: "Andre Furtado" <awfurtado@homelink.com.br>
> To: <hopengl@haskell.org>
> Subject: Re: [HOpenGL] Starting it all over again
> Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 18:01:46 -0200
> [...]
> Although "./configure" completed successfully, I
> could not understand why the "library containing
> glutMainLoop" was not found:
> checking for library containing glutMainLoop... no
> [...]
Yeh, I have the same problem, and I have a FULL
install (all packages). ld can't link any glut calls,
so there's a Cygwin setup problem. Cygwin Opengl
package comes with gl, glu, glut headers, glut32.dll,
and libglui.a libgluix.a. There's no libglut.a. I
think that OpenGL is required by XWindow, so libGL.a
and libGLU.a exist in X11R6 lib path. glxgears works,
so gl works, but glut doesn't.
> "make depend" also run successfully, but when trying
> to issue "make
> install", the following problem appears:
> rm -f GL_BinaryIO.o ; if [ ! -d GL_BinaryIO ]; then
> mkdir GL_BinaryIO; else
> find
> GL_BinaryIO -name '*.o' -print | xargs -s 8000 rm
> -f __rm_food ; fi ;
> "/cygdrive/c/GHC/GHC-5.04.2/BIN/ghc" -syslib lang
> -split-objs -odir
> GL_BinaryIO
> -package-name HOpenGL -fglasgow-exts "-#include
> <GL/glut.h>" -O -c
> GL_Binary
> IO.hs -o GL_BinaryIO.o
> c:\WINDOWS\TEMP\ghc-445215.hc:4: GL/glut.h: No such
> file or directory
> make[1]: *** [GL_BinaryIO.o] Error 1
> make: *** [install] Error 1
GHC for Win32 includes a kind of 'gcc' (some
executable and libraries). I supposse that GHC uses
this gcc, and not Cygwin's, so libraries and headers
are missing again: when you 'make' redbook_C examples,
cygwin gcc is used, but with redbook_HS GHC gcc is
used (I think). At the beginning of this topic Sven
points to a .zip containing Mingw OpenGL headers that
might be extracted on GHC path, but what about
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