[Hat] Tracing of standard libraries
O.Chitil at kent.ac.uk
O.Chitil at kent.ac.uk
Fri Sep 28 09:17:31 EDT 2007
Hi Matthias,
Hat supports Haskell 98 plus a few additional libraries, but Unsafe is not
one of these libraries. A Google summer of code project is still under way
to improve this situation, but that will still take time.
The quick fix is to copy a library to your own directory and transform it
together with your program. However, direct transformation only works on
libraries written in Haskell 98 itself and Unsafe will hardly be of that
kind. There are ways for wrapping code not written in Haskell 98, but that
requires more handwork (you can see how the core parts of the Haskell 98
libraries are dealt with).
Btw, both Malcolm and I are currently in Freiburg so we could easily meet.
> Hi,
> I just pulled the latest darcs version of hat, compiled it using
> ghc-6.6.1 and tried to debug a program. Unfortunately, there seems to
> be no tracing information for standard libraries by
> default. ... During compilation using "hmake -hat" hat-trans says ...
> hat-trans: /usr/local/include/hat-2.05/System/IO/Unsafe.hx: openFile:
> does not exist (No such file or directory)
> Is there a way to generate tracing information for (parts of) the
> standard libraries? (I realizied there is a script called "start" in
> the hat root directory?) Or, is there another version of hat that
> works with ghc-6.6.1?
> -Matthias
> --
> Matthias Neubauer |
> Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik | tel +49 761 203
> 8060
> Georges-Köhler-Allee 79, 79110 Freiburg i. Br., Germany | fax +49 761 203
> 8052
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