[Hat] Program Compiles With GHC 6.6 but not Hat
Aditya Siram
aditya_siram at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 17 15:24:59 EST 2006
The following program compiles and runs on GHC 6.6 but fails to compile with
the '-hat' option to hmake. The error message is:
**Begin Output**
hat-trans HatTest.hs
Wrote Hat/HatTest.hs
ghc-6.6 -c -package hat -o Hat/HatTest.o Hat/HatTest.hs
Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
`Integral a'
arising from use of `htakeodds' at Hat/HatTest.hs:40:50-58
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
**End Output**
The program source is:
import Prelude
takeodds xs = [ x | x <- xs, (mod x 2) ==0]
main = do { print (takeodds [1 ..7]); }
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