[Hat] installation problems
Malcolm Wallace
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 15:31:38 +0100
Amanda Clare <ajc99@aber.ac.uk> writes:
> I'm trying to make Hat (2.00) on a ix86 Linux (RedHat 6.1) machine with
> nhc98-1.14 and ghc-5.02.3 already installed.
> /usr/local/funcprog//lib/ghc-5.02.3/libHSstd.a(PrelNum__42.o): In
> function `s5bt_2_alt':
> PrelNum__42.o(.text+0x93): undefined reference to `__gmpz_cmp_si'
> And many more undefined references to functions starting with __gmp...
GMP is the Gnu multi-precision arithmetic library, which is used
internally by ghc to implement the unbounded Integer type and its
At a guess, ghc-5.02.3 requires a newer version of the GMP library
than the one you get by default in RedHat 6.1. Alternatively, it
could be that ghc is not issuing the correct link instructions for
the GMP library.
It might be better to ask about this particular problem on the
glasgow-haskell-bugs list.