[Hat] Problems building hat with ghc-5.04

Malcolm Wallace hat@haskell.org
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 10:18:43 +0100

> When building hat with ghc-5.04 I got the following error:
> /usr/freebsdcvs/ports/devel/hat/work/hat-2.00/script/hat-trans
>     -trusted -prelude PreludeTracing.hs
> Fail: Cannot parse in .hx file PreludeBasic line (Var "seq",Value
> {args=-1, fixity=R, priority=0, letBound=True})

Curious.  The field 'args' is lexically incorrect, it should be
but my version of hat-trans (built with ghc-5.02.2) generates
it correctly.  In response to your report, I have just attempted
to rebuild hat with ghc-5.04, and sure enough, it fails with the
same error.

Thus, it would appear that the program (hat-trans) compiled with 5.04
exhibits different behaviour from the same program compiled with 5.02.2.
So I would guess that this is a bug in GHC, not in Hat.
