[Haskell] International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing (BAIQC 2024), Roanne, France, October 30-31, 2024 [Deadline extended to July 10th]

Ivan Perez ivanperezdominguez at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 10:20:18 UTC 2024

I don't see any relation between this call for papers and Haskell.

Amjad, can you please stop forwarding these to haskell-cafe?



On Tue, 18 Jun 2024 at 00:35, <amjad.el.khatib at univ-st-etienne.fr> wrote:

> *Call for papers*
> ************************************************** *
> *International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing
> (BAIQC 2024) *
> *Roanne, France, October 30-31, 2024*
> *https://confscience.com/baiqc/ <https://confscience.com/baiqc/>*
> *Call for papers*
> We would like to remind you that the final submission date is extended to
> 10 July 2024
> Apologies for Cross-posting
> *************************************************
> International Conference on Borderless Artificial Intelligence and Quantum
> Computing (BAIQC 2024)
> Roanne, France, October 30-31, 2024
> https://confscience.com/baiqc/
> All papers accepted in BAIQC 2024 will be submitted for inclusion into
> IEEE Xplore, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, Scopus,
> EI’s Engineering Information Index, Compendex, ISI Thomson’s Scientific,
> ISTP/ISI Proceedings, etc.
> ***************************************************************************
> - Paper Submission: June 10, 2024 10 July 2024 (extended)
> - Acceptance Notification: September 1, 2024
> - Final Manuscript Due: October 1, 2024
> ***************************************************************************
> The BAIQC 2024 conference will be held in Conjunction with:
> The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Revolutions (AIR
> 2024)
> The International Conference on Intelligence, Sustainability, and
> Innovation in Healthcare (ISIH 2024)
> ***************************************************************************
> Authors are invited to submit their original papers to address the topics
> of the conference, including but not limited to:
> *Track 1: Foundations and Theories*
> - Quantum Computing architecture
> - Quantum Mechanics Fundamentals for Computing
> - Quantum Gates and Circuits
> - Quantum Algorithms
> - Quantum Error Correction
> - Quantum Hardware Architectures
> - Quantum Software Development
> - Quantum Complexity Theory
> - Quantum Speedup and Limitations
> - Quantum Entanglement and Superposition
> - Quantum Annealing
> - Quantum Cryptography Basics
> - Quantum Information Processing
> - Quantum Compilation Techniques
> - Quantum languages
> - QC Simulation
> *Track 2: Integration of AI and QC*
> - Machine Learning Applications in QC
> - Data Analytics for Quantum Information Processing
> - Hybrid Quantum-Classical Algorithms
> - Quantum-enhanced Machine Learning Models
> - Quantum Data Preprocessing
> - QC for Big Data Analytics
> - Quantum-inspired Classical Algorithms
> - Quantum Machine Learning
> - Quantum-enhanced Optimization
> - Quantum Simulation in AI Research
> - Quantum Machine Learning Interpretability
> - Quantum-enhanced Data Clustering
> - Quantum Data Privacy and Security
> - Quantum-enhanced Feature Selection
> - Quantum Reinforcement Learning
> - QC and NLP
> *Track 3: Quantum Information Science*
> - Quantum Information Theory
> - AI-Enhanced Quantum Communication Protocols
> - Quantum Key Distribution
> - Quantum Teleportation and Data Analytics
> - Quantum Networking
> - Enhancing Precision with Data-Driven Techniques
> - Quantum Sensing Techniques
> - Quantum State Tomography
> - Quantum Channel Capacity Optimization
> - Quantum Error Correction
> - Quantum Data-Driven Approaches
> - AI algorithms for Quantum Information Retrieval
> - Quantum Internet
> - Data-driven Self-regulating Systems
> *Track 4: Quantum Security*
> - Post-Quantum Cryptography
> - Quantum-resistant Algorithms
> - Quantum-safe Communication Infrastructures
> - Secure Quantum Key Exchange
> - Quantum-resistant Hash Functions
> - Quantum-resistant Signature Schemes
> - Quantum Cybersecurity Threats
> - Quantum-Secure Cloud Computing
> - Quantum-resistant Blockchain Technologies
> - Secure Quantum Communication Networks
> - Quantum-resistant Authentication
> - Quantum-resistant Access Control
> - Quantum Security Standards
> - Quantum-resistant Digital Signatures
> - Quantum-resistant Public-Key Cryptography
> *Track 5: Applications and Technologies*
> - Quantum-enhanced Sensing Technologies
> - QC for Chemistry and Material Science
> - QC in Finance
> - QC in Healthcare
> - Quantum-enhanced Imaging Technologies
> - Quantum-enhanced AI Applications
> - Quantum Robotics and Automation
> - Quantum-enhanced Supply Chain Optimization
> - QC in Energy
> - Quantum applications for Environmental Science
> - QC in Space Exploration
> - Quantum-enhanced Weather Prediction
> - QC for Traffic Optimization
> - QC for Smart Cities
> - Quantum-enhanced Satellite Communication
> - Quantum-enhanced Cyber-Physical Systems
> ***************************************************************************
> Based on the peer review scores as well as the presentations at the
> conference, the authors of outstanding papers will be invited to extend
> their works for a potential publication in journals special issues with
> high impact factors.
> ***************************************************************************
> Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files via easychair (
> https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=baiqc2024).
> All papers will be peer reviewed.
> Length of Full papers: 6-8 pages long (written in the IEEE 2-column
> conference style)
> For more information, please refer to the conference website:
> https://confscience.com/baiqc/
> ***************************************************************************
> For more information, please send an email to (
> ahmed.nait at univ-st-etienne.fr) and (nafaa.jabeur at gutech.edu.om)
>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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