[Haskell] International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Revolutions (AIR 2024) - Roanne, France, October 30-31, 2024 [Deadline extended to July 10th]

amjad.el.khatib at univ-st-etienne.fr amjad.el.khatib at univ-st-etienne.fr
Wed Jun 12 12:22:03 UTC 2024

Call for papers


International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Revolutions (AIR 2024) 

Roanne, France, October 30-31, 2024

 <https://confscience.com/air/> https://confscience.com/air/  


Call for papers

We would like to remind you that the final submission date is extended to 10
July 2024

Apologies for Cross-posting


International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Revolutions (AIR 2024)

Roanne, France, October 30-31, 2024


All papers accepted in AIR 2024 will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE
Xplore, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, Scopus,

EI's Engineering Information Index, Compendex, ISI Thomson's Scientific,
ISTP/ISI Proceedings, etc. 



- Paper Submission: June 10, 2024 10 July 2024 (extended)

- Acceptance Notification: September 1, 2024

- Final Manuscript Due: October 1, 2024


The AIR 2024 conference will be held in Conjunction with:

The International Conference on Borderless Artificial Intelligence and
Quantum Computing (BAIQC 2024)

The International Conference on Intelligence, Sustainability, and Innovation
in Healthcare (ISIH 2024)



Authors are invited to submit their original papers to address the topics of
the conference, including but not limited to:

Track 1: Fundamental and Theories

- Theoretical Advances in AI Algorithms

- Machine Learning

- Neural Networks and Deep Learning

- Multi-Agent Systems

- Statistical Learning and Probability in AI

- Natural Language Processing (NLP) Theories

- Symbolic AI and Knowledge Representation

- Explainable AI (XAI)

- Generative AI

- Cognitive Architectures

- Reinforcement Learning Theories

- Protocols and Communication

- Collaborative Environments

- Multi-user and Distributed Systems

- AI and Digital Transformation

- Computer Vision

- Simulation and Virtual Environments

- AI in Design Thinking and Creativity

- AI-driven Innovation Models


Track 2: AI and Sustainability

- Circular Economy and AI

- Eco-friendly AI Hardware Design

- Green Computing: Sustainable Data Centers

- Biodiversity Monitoring with AI

- AI for Clean Energy Grids

- Sustainable Transportation Solutions

- Water Resource Management with AI

- Renewable Energy Forecasting with AI

- Carbon Footprint Reduction Strategies

- Smart Buildings and Energy Efficiency

- Waste Sorting and Recycling Automation

- Sustainable Manufacturing with AI

- Eco-conscious Consumer Behavior Analysis

- Climate Data Analytics

- Natural Disaster Preparedness and Response

- Ocean Conservation with AI

- Urban Green Spaces Planning

- AI-driven Pollution Monitoring

- Sustainable Tourism with AI

- E-waste Recycling Innovation

- AI and energy


Track 3: AI Transformative Applications

- Algorithmic Trading and Market Predictions

- AI for Financial Inclusion

- AI for marine applications

- AI in Public Health Management

- Predictive Analytics in Epidemiology

- Smart Infrastructure in Urban Development

- Precision Agriculture and AI

- AI-based Disaster Response and Recovery

- AI-driven Climate Resilient Infrastructure

- Smart Traffic Management with AI

- Blockchain in Agriculture Supply Chains

- AI for Earthquake Prediction

- Smart Grids and AI for Energy Distribution

- Autonomous Vehicles


Track 4: AI for Drones and UAS

- Sustainable Drone Fleet Management

- AI-powered Urban Air Mobility Solutions

- Innovative Air Traffic Flow Optimization

- AI-driven Weather Resilience in Air Traffic

- Eco-conscious Drone Traffic Control

- Sustainable Communication Networks

- AI Drone-based Surveillance

- Ethical AI in Emergency Response for Drones

- AI for Precision Agriculture Sustainability

- Human-Drone Collaboration

- Sustainable AI-enhanced Search and Rescue

- Sustainable Drone Operations

- Responsible Innovation for Air Traffic Safety

- AI-driven Noise Reduction

- Autonomous Space Probes


Track 5: AI and Education

- AI and student innovation

- Adaptive Learning Platforms

- Personalized Tutoring with AI

- Smart Classrooms and AI Integration

- Automated Grading and Assessment

- Virtual Reality (VR) and AI in Education

- AI for Learning Disabilities

- Gamification and AI

- Predictive Analytics in Education

- Ethical Considerations in AI Education

- AI-Enhanced Content Creation

- Chatbots and Virtual Assistants for Students

- AI for Early Childhood Education

- Language Learning with AI

- AI and Educational Research Measuring

- Educational Outcomes with AI

- Education Accessibility with AI

- Responsible AI Education and Training


Track 6: Responsible AI

- Fairness and Bias Mitigation in AI Algorithms

- Responsible AI Governance and Regulation

- Privacy-preserving AI Technologies

- Ethical Considerations in AI Decision-making

- Trustworthy AI: Building User Confidence

- AI for Social Justice and Inclusion

- Combating AI-generated Misinformation

- AI-driven Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence

- Secure AI Deployment

- AI Accountability and Liability

- Human Rights and AI

- Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability

- AI in Law and Legal Ethics

- Bias Detection and Mitigation Tools

- Cross-cultural Ethics in AI

- Digital Ethics in Virtual Environments

- Algorithmic Accountability in Criminal Justice

- Responsible Data Management in AI




Based on the peer review scores as well as the presentations at the
conference, the authors of outstanding papers will be invited to extend
their works for a potential publication in journals special issues with high
impact factors.



Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files via easychair

All papers will be peer reviewed.

Length of Full papers: 6-8 pages long (written in the  IEEE 2-column
conference style)

For more information, please refer to the conference website:




For more information, please send an email to (ahmed.nait at univ-st-etienne.fr
<mailto:ahmed.nait at univ-st-etienne.fr> ) and (nafaa.jabeur at gutech.edu.om
<mailto:nafaa.jabeur at gutech.edu.om> )   



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